Robert Krainhöfner

About me

Starting point for my works, which are largely constructive-concrete Art are basic geometric elements like line, Ribbon, square, circle or cone.

These are subjected to more or less intensive changes through processes such as folding or twisting, which have previously been tested with paper. converted into three-dimensionality.

These metamorphoses open up unexpected views of the initial form. New constellations of the parts to each other, changes in the distribution of forces and the distribution of volumes, light and shadow guides create exciting effects and relationships of objects in space.

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MATERIALIZE IT – Material und seine künstlerische Verarbeitung

Ort EIGENHEIM Weimar, Asbachstraße 1, Weimar Eröffnung 22.10.2022 um 19 Uhr Dauer 22.10. – 20.11.2022 teilnehmende Künstler*innen Gökçen Dilek Acay, Uli Aigner, Liz Bachhuber, Konstantin Bayer, Christoph Blankenburg, Benedikt Braun, Christian Claus, Frederik Foert, Enrico Freitag, Kathryn Gohmert, Kathrin Henschler, Rainer Jacob, Robert Krainhöfner, Adam Noack, Nina Röder, Stefan Schiek, Michal Schmidt, Katrin Steiger, Gabriele Stötzer, José Taborda mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch die Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Thüringen und die Stadt Weimar